as of august 14th, you're five. FIVE! it seems that a just a second ago, i was clutching your warm, soft body to me in the delivery room, and now, you're running the bases at t-ball games and reading the newspaper. everyone warned me that the years would fly by, but it's not until i allow myself to really think about what a big boy you've become that i realize how true that is. and what an incredible person you're turning out to be! let me see if i can incapsulate you with just a few words ...
you LOVE life. every bit of it! every new place you visit, every new person you meet, every new discovery you make -- you find it all fascinating. what a joy it is to be your parent and see the world fresh through your eyes. you're inquisitive -- you want to know "why?" dozens of times a day. why is canada north of the united states? why does the traffic light turn green when it does? i strive to answer each question as thoroughly and patiently as i can, because i can see in your eyes an insatiable thirst for knowledge and curiosity that i hope never fades. (and when i don't know the answer, i tell you to go ask daddy.)
you're growing up, becoming less of a little boy and more of a big one. the tasks we give you --feeding super, getting the newspaper, putting the mail in the mailbox, setting the table -- you accept with pride. you're pleased with a job well done, and look forward to receiving your daily allowance and counting the nickels as they go into your piggy bank. but you also enjoy putting a portion into your church box, and giving back to God as you place that hard-earned money in the chapel offering plate each sunday.
you're thoughtful and caring and kind. almost to a fault -- you wear your heart on your sleeve, and it can be painful to witness your feelings hurt so easily. you're loving and affectionate, asking us to snuggle with you in the mornings, and often coming up to us with a hug and a kiss for no reason at all. you're funny and witty and have such a great sense of humor. nothing makes me smile wider than hearing that belly laugh of yours ... i doubt there is a happier sound in the universe.
you are an amazing brother. you and susanna will play together for hours on end, creating imaginary places with your toys; somehow your hundreds of matchbox cars and her hundreds of dolls peacefully co-exist in your made-up world. your patience and love for your little sister knows no bounds, which is evident every time you try to teach her a new word, or praise her when she's accomplished something she's never done before. when you were asked recently who your best friend was, you responded "susanna" without hesitation.
above all, you are a child of God. nothing is sweeter to me than hearing you say the Lord's prayer every night, the blessing at the dinner table, and all the random moments throughout the day when you talk about Jesus and God. just today, as we looked at old pictures of the day you were born, susanna wondered where she was at the time. you told her with certainty that she was still in heaven, waiting with the angels before it was her turn to come down to live with us. your daddy and i pray that you will never, ever forget the immense blessings God has bestowed upon you.
and you, my son, are one of the most important blessings of MY life. you made me a mother. and every day, you make my heart grow even more than i thought it could the day before. you recently told me that you love me "infinity to the tenth power." well, i love you even more than that.
you're five. FIVE! happy birthday, my sweet, handsome, smart, loving, wonderful boy.
all my love, mommy