Tuesday, June 9, 2009


you know what they say about the little things in life. i upgraded my cell phone about ten months ago, and have always wondered how to personalize the ringtone. when i bought my previous phone, the guy at the sprint store did it all for me, and i was a happy customer each time it trilled "oh susanna" to let me know of an incoming call. but when my phone changed, "oh susanna" evaporated into the cellular universe somewhere and i never found it again. i gave up trying to find a suitable replacement -- until today! armed with a free promotional code and a half-hour to access customer service (since these technical things kind of baffle me), i settled on my most favorite song ever made. the one i set on repeat on my mp3 player when i run on the treadmill. the tune that makes me just plain HAPPY every time i hear it. the pinnacle of 90's boy band cheesy pop: mmm bop by hanson. the added bonus every time the phone rings? my two children, smiling from ear to ear, boppin' to the beat right along with me. their heads start swaying, their feet start moving, and i swear to you that liam even told me that my phone was now cool. (and the grimace on my music snob husband's face, as we all drive him crazy, is simply the icing on the cake.) go ahead. click on the above link and turn up the volume. you know you want to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sara, darling, an intervention must be staged!