Saturday, September 26, 2009

the blame game

liam's recently adopted the annoying habit of assigning blame to anyone or anything besides himself. during the rare squabbles while playing with susanna, it's always her fault. if he forgot to wash his hands, it's my fault for not reminding him. if he slipped off the tire swing at school with a classmate, it was his friend's fault for not giving him enough room. it extends to inanimate objects too -- did he stumble while walking to the front door? it was the driveway's fault. drop a utensil at dinner? the fork's fault. dribble a glob of colgate on his pajamas? the toothpaste's fault. you get the idea. so yesterday afternoon, i was preparing lunch for him and susanna and a playmate while all three ran around on the back porch. and all of a sudden, i look through the glass door to see my five-year old son standing in the middle of the floor, his legs apart and his shorts still on, peeing. he hasn't had a full-blown incident like that in over two years. yet there he was, giggling while urinating, finding the whole thing comical. when i reprimanded him, he had only one response. quite calmly, he explained, "it was my [insert male body part]'s fault." i know that guys joke that it has a mind of its own, but really, this is too much.

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