Wednesday, November 4, 2009

wordless wednesday

we offer you an assortment of pumpkins for your viewing pleasure today! in the foreground are some lovely smaller varieties on display -- although we regret to inform you that their most stunning features (scrawled permanent marker by preschoolers) are rather invisible in the dark. on the left is an homage to our dear son with his missing bottom tooth. and on the right, of course, no halloween would be complete without my infamous math reference that no one ever understands.


Meg Wolff said...

I have been meaning to tell you that my co-worker's 3 year old daughter Meredith was ALSO a princess-with-a-wand! Liz told me that her neighbor's son promptly stole the wand and decided to be a prince-with-a-wand. Liz and her neighbor are concerned. :)

Benjamin said...