Wednesday, November 3, 2010

wordless wednesday

here it is: the obligatory halloween photograph post.  a woefully lacking halloween post, however.  these are, literally, the only three pictures i took related to halloween 2010.   let me assure you ... we DID actually pick pumpkins (and not just stand in front of some.)  we DID carve them.  we DID attend parties.  we DID trick-or-treat.  liam DID come home, just like you will see susanna did, and count his loot.  we DID eat some lots and lots of candy.

but you'd never know any of that from the sad collection of photos i have of halloween 2010.  so you'll just have to take my word for it.

i laugh at myself sometimes ... a while ago, i did quite a bit of research on high-end digital SLR cameras.  seems everyone i know has one of those bad boys and they post these beautiful pictures on facebook that really capture their children so well.  gotta have me one of those! i thought.  but once i started really thinking about it, i just don't think i'm the photographing type.  almost every single picture i've ever shared on this blog was taken with my iphone.  i don't even value photography enough to remember to put my teeny tiny easy-to-carry digital camera in my purse.  so why in the sam hill would i need a $500 canon to lug around?

although i do have to say that if there were ever a time i could justify the expense, it would be after this halloween.  the grand total i spent on both of our children's costumes: $1.47.  (and that was for susanna's bandanna, which has now found a new purpose around super's neck.)

someone, please remind me next year to take some pictures.
 we picked four pumpkins this day.  trust me, they were pretty.

 the soccer player and the cowgirl, setting out for some trick-or-treat action

yes, my artistic child actually arranged her candy in concentric ovals

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