Wednesday, February 23, 2011

wordless wednesday, disney style

... and we're back.  i've stayed away from the blog since our disneyworld trip because a) i couldn't find the digital camera to transfer the gazillion pictures we took; b) there's so much to share that i hardly know where to begin; and c) OHMYGOODNESS do i have a ton of work to do from being gone for 8 days.

but i'm here to report that a) i gave up looking for the digital camera for now (does this give you an idea of how poorly we packed the car on our last night there?) and decided to post the few pictures i took on my iphone; b) i figure if i just start with a few photos and captions i can maybe ease back into it; and c) OHMYGOODNESS the work and laundry and all things productive can wait.  who says i can't prioritize?!

suffice it to say, for now, that we had the most wonderful family trip (notice how i did not use the term "vacation") and i know that we'll all have memories of our disney adventure for decades to come.  it really is a magical place.

now if tinkerbell had only come home with us, she could help us find our elusive camera.  where's that pixie dust when you need it?
title: "three beauties and the beast" "one middle-aged momma, two beauties, and the beast"
while us girls were schmoozing with belle, the boys were jamming with the band.  there's truly something for everyone at mickey's house
do you ever wonder what the person inside these costumes is actually doing?  i mean, they could  be rolling their eyes or grimacing every time they're pulled into another photo.  or are they just so happy to be walking around in a heavy unwieldy costume in 80 degrees that they're beaming as much as donald is?  the world will never know ...
susanna insisted on wearing her princess dress all over magic kingdom.  cute on the carousel.  not so cute getting her in and out of that thing (it has an attached inner leotard) every time we visited a public restroom
we followed the "dumbo or die" tour from one of our guidebooks, which mapped out a plan of attack on the magic kingdom to ensure that we rode the dumbo ride with as minimal of a waiting time as possible. naturally i had to capture this moment ... what i did not consider is that from my vantage point, the star of the photo is a giant elephant butt

and that seems a rather fitting way to end this post.


Leslie Atkins said...

Hooray! - I've been waiting forever for the Disney pics. Hope you find the camera soon.

Stacey said...

I have to agree with Leslie! I've been checking in every few days for pics! I'm so glad you all had so much fun... sounds wonderful!

ashley segrave said...

so happy your trip was great!..i know you reserached like crazy...we go in september..which guidebook do you most recommend?..i've looked through a few but don't have the patience for those encyclopedias