Wednesday, September 7, 2011

wordless wednesday

i seem to remember when i birthed my first child that there was a checklist of things i was required to do, simply because all mothers do them.  somewhere between "jump around like a ninny when your child goes #2 on the potty" and "have your child's feet professionally fitted and realize he's been walking around in shoes two sizes too small" was the obligatory "take pictures of your child's first day of school and share them with the world".  (this was in the days before facebook; certainly by now the checklist has been amended to "take pictures of your child's first day of school and post them on facebook along with the other 98% of your news feed who's doing the same thing".)

liam's first day was actually a few weeks ago, on august 25, but kindergarten always starts a full week later, so susanna didn't begin until september 1.  both of them have had huge smiles on their faces ever since; they love their teachers and love their classrooms and love their classmates.  it certainly makes drop-off easier for me, to have two kids who look forward to school and bound out of the car, eager to start their day.  just as their momma, after 7+ years of being at home with them, is eager to start hers.  :)

on liam's first day, with susanna along for the ride
standing next to his cubby, wearing a pristine new backpack that will assuredly look like a truck ran over it by day's end

some little sister supervision for his inaugural day desk work

daddy got to hold her hand ... and mommy got to hold her backpack
outside the school building.  i just now realized that liam wore the same exact shirt on his first day and then a week later for susanna's first day.  he's partial to the carolina blue, of course, but it does make things a bit confusing
"i really only need to know how to write five different letters in order to write my whole name," she very astutely pointed out
according to my sources, to this day, liam still walks susanna down to her classroom and even gives her a hug goodbye before turning around to head to the first grade hall
the highlight of her big first day?  the bus ride home wins by a landslide

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Great pictures! How dear that Liam walks Susannah to her room!