Sunday, May 13, 2012

a mother's day portrait

i don't post pictures of myself (or chris) all that often on here -- we haven't changed much over the years other than adding wrinkles (me) and losing hair (him), so there's really no need.  but today i feel compelled to share with you a recent portrait that an esteemed local artist made of yours truly.
titled "My Mommy" by william joseph mann, II ~ may 2012
liam quite proudly presented this to me at my bedside this morning for mother's day, along with other treasures (like a beautiful handmade broach i wore to church, a book, and a poem.)  in case you were wondering ...
  • the black lines underneath my eyes are not dark under-eye circles.  they're eyebrows.  ("huh," he said, as he studied my face and then his drawing and then back again.  "i guess eyebrows actually go above the eyes.  oops.")
  • the purplish blue item in the bottom left corner is a tennis racket that is obviously not drawn to scale.  unless he thinks i either play with an ant-sized racket, or that my head is enormous.
  • "and i made your ears red because you're just coming off the tennis court!" he explained.  until that moment, i had no idea my ears turned such a color.  you learn a lot from your children.
tomorrow i have the pleasure of dining with susanna in her kindergarten classroom for her mother's day celebration -- so surely there will be more to come.  but i'm telling you what ... if i have eyebrows on my cheeks and inflamed mismatched-sized ears on the sides of a gargantuan-sized head, i might just start developing a complex.

but hey!  at least i'm smiling. with big, plump, red lips, no less.  there's always a bright side.

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