Friday, August 24, 2012


i've recently had to put a security lock on my ipad.  our two children are obsessed with it, and after finding them hunched over the thing in darkened corners of random rooms of our house like drug addicts trying to get their fix, i figured the easiest thing to do would be to require a passcode before using it.  problem solved, right?

not so fast.  because for some reason, even without knowing the passcode, there's one feature that they can still access: the pictures.  (i'm sure that this feature can also be disabled; i just haven't gotten around to figuring out how.)  so i will still find my two small people hunched over the thing in darkened corners of random rooms of our house like drug addicts trying to get their fix, but at least now all they can do is peruse the photo gallery.

you'd think this wouldn't be all that enthralling.  you would be wrong.

and i have to say -- i actually don't mind.   it's a fun way to take a trip down memory lane, even if the memories aren't all that old.  this evening found them on the couch in the family room while a thunderstorm raged outside, howling with belly laughs.  "mommy!"  they shrieked.  "remember when we did this?"

and i did.  it was a random afternoon in the early summer and i had lost track of them for an hour or so.  suddenly liam's bedroom door burst open and they called me upstairs, and this is what greeted me:
seems they had switched outfits (and poses) ...
... all the way down to the underwear
it's weird.  summer is rapidly drawing to a close, as school starts monday.  we've met our teachers and bought our supplies and we're all ready to get back into a routine of some sort.  BUT.  it's things like this that i will miss.  the relaxing part of summer.  the laidback days with no big requirements, no rigid appointments.

the carefree afternoons where my children could conspire with their best friend sibling, and dissolve in fits of laughter as they swap clothes and deem it the funniest thing they have ever done.


Benjamin said...

Liam is SO going to enjoy seeing these photos again at his rehearsal dinner in 20 years...

Meg Wolff said...

I was just thinking the same thing. These are excellent "blackmail" photos! Love them.