Saturday, September 29, 2012

guess and tell

susanna's day for "guess and tell" is wednesday.  she has to bring in an object from home and write three clues about the object and read them aloud to her first grade class, and then let her classmates guess what the object might be.  designed to be a writing activity, there are certain requirements of these sentences, which include correct punctuation and grammar and a minimum of seven words per sentence.  (susanna has found the word "very" to be, um, very helpful in this regard.  for instance, "it is comfortable to wear" does not meet the requirement.  but "it is very, very comfortable to wear" does.)

she really labored over her clues this week in particular, going above and beyond the minimum three sentences.  (of course, there are a few "very"s thrown in there.)  i recorded her reading these for her aunt leslie in california.
and witty as she always is, this was my sister's response:

"it is like a colorful winged butterfly."  I am glad she did not add: "it is like something a transvestite might wear in a parade."


Love it!!

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