Saturday, December 29, 2012

the gofster chronicles

gofster had his moments of sheer brilliance this year.  he wasn't terribly naughty -- i think he learned his lesson from years past, when he realized that any mayhem he caused resulted in ME cleaning up the mess the following day -- but that didn't cramp his style. 

here are just a few of the highlights ...

the kids found him facedown in the scanner, and then saw the following image on my laptop:

seems he has a sweet tooth

okay, so this isn't exactly a picture of gofster ... but it's the only shot we have from liam's big soccer tournament in virginia beach.  he surprised us by showing up in our suite at the holiday inn.  does that count?

his piece de resistance -- he used his cinematic talents to create this one-of-a-kind video just for us!

and the craziest thing of all happened just yesterday.  we heard squeals of surprise from the kids upstairs, who actually found that sneaky elf in the top drawer of chris's dresser, buried under his shirts.  seems they were playing hide-and-seek with their stuffed animals and discovered gofster still hanging out.  (what are the odds?!)  we quickly explained that even though the legend is that the elves return to the north pole on christmas eve for good, apparently some of them stick around until their family's christmas decorations have been stored away.  i mean, who can blame him?  if i were facing a ton of work back at home, helping to construct all the toys for the following year, i'd stick around here as long as i could too.  luckily, liam and susanna agreed.

there he is, partially concealed by the sweet note susanna made for him  
(that's gofster, santa, and susanna in her drawing)

farewell, dear gofster ... til next year!  
xoxo, liam, susanna, chris, and sara

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