Monday, January 14, 2013

kicking it up a notch

liam's basketball season is in full swing, with chris coaching again and games on saturdays.  he's proving himself to be quite a good shooter, although i had suggest to that he practice a little on his own and actually use that basketball goal that santa brought him last year.  (i'm guessing, of course, but i'd assume that the poor man probably spent hours and hours putting that thing together and it's a shame that it sits in our driveway, unused, while liam opts to jump on his pogo stick instead.)

so on sunday, on a beautiful 75-degree january afternoon, liam decided to listen to me (wonders never cease) and shoot some hoops.  with me, no less, since i was appropriately dressed after playing a tennis match.  we played "horse" and he's invented all sorts of rules that didn't apply back in the day when i used to play in my own driveway growing up.  i found myself shooting backwards ... shooting from the yard behind the goal, trying to arch the ball completely over the thing ... even trying to replicate liam's moves as he scored a reverse lay-up.
proper form (i think.  it looks good to me, at least)
after i took a few pictures of him shooting, he wanted to return the favor.  "you have GOT to see what you look like when you shoot, mommy!"  he said.  why, whatever could he mean?

yep, that's my signature move -- i have never been able to shoot the ball without my right leg kicking up at an awkward angle.  is it any wonder that when i was young, my coaches, who were initially so excited to meet me because of my height, quickly surmised that i'd take my rightful position as  benchwarmer?

and now that you've had your smile of the day, here are a few highlights from liam's last game.  i thank God yet again that he inherited exactly none of the atkins athletic genes.

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