Saturday, May 4, 2013

and a good time was had by all, part 1

ridiculous.  it really is.  it's been over a month since we departed for our first family vacation ever, and i have yet to really do it justice here on the blog.  i've been meaning to sit down here at the computer and go through all the photos but Lord have mercy, we took so many photos on so many different devices that i swear it has just taken me two hours to compile all of them together.

i have so many to share that i've decided to split them up into a kids' post and an adults' post.  (and since we hardly take any pictures of just ourselves, the adults' post will also have kids in it.) 

so without futher ado ... i give you the mann-bass 2013 family cruise, kid style.

 web (9), susanna (6), liam (8), marshall (6) -- all in matching seersucker, in case you happened to miss it -- in front of a very cheesy backdrop

his dream came true!  table tennis galore!  he was actually so into it that random people would stop and watch him play.  seems all that wii practice has paid off

 collecting seashells and teeny crabs in the most beautiful blue water we've ever seen
her findings

our lovely room -- and lest you think that we splurged and actually paid for a room with a window, realize that there was nothing behind that curtain but wall.  the kids loved them some bunk beds.  i was, unfortunately, singing a different tune the fifth time i bonked my head on them

liam must have jetted down this slide a hundred times.  luckily it did not dump him out into the ocean, as susanna gratefully realized

dancing up a storm at dinner one night.  i'm assuming they don't actually know what flo rida is singing about in this song ...

stay tuned for installment number two, because chris and i actually were on this trip.  as we say each time we pull into the driveway from whatever excursion we've just finished ... "and a good time was had by all." 

especially the kids.

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