Saturday, January 31, 2015

Doll School

if you ever want to find me on a tuesday afternoon, get your shovel handy because your timing will coincide with Tuesday Folder day.  i will need to be dug out from under a pile of papers that come home; every activity they've completed in the past week -- every quiz, every in-class project, every practice sheet -- is crammed into those folders.  i usually give the contents a quick glance, sign my name that i have dutifully gone through them, and then, if i'm honest, put 99% of them straight into the recycling bin.

but recently susanna has begun requesting to keep many of her tests for Doll School.  so then that pile started adding up, to the point that i dragged down a plastic storage container from the attic leftover from my teaching days.  we relabeled the drawers to fit Miss Mann's needs so all these papers (and the necessary teaching supplies like extra pencils, paper, and rulers) now have a home.

today i lost track of susanna for a little while, until i heard her sweet voice coming from the dining room.  unsure who she was talking to, i found her in her educator glory, whiteboard in hand and globe within reach, hitting all the highlights of lewis and clark.  attentive students (and american girl dolls, fittingly) Caroline and Kit sat across the table from her, hanging on her every word.

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, apparently.  (ha -- apple!  teachers!  how fitting.)

from the look on her face, the young teacher was annoyed at the interruption my camera caused -- but the students didn't seem to mind

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