Wednesday, January 27, 2016

wordless wednesday

raleigh ground to a halt last week when we got a few inches of snow; thank goodness there was a weekend in the middle of it so we only missed friday and monday.  (funny note: i emailed with my college roommate from new jersey, whose kids only missed one day of school, even with more than two feet.  gotta love the south.)

we've gone through umpteen sleds/mats/discs over the years ... but the kids' favorite by far is this one, the Flexible Flyer straight out of my 1970s childhood

susanna met up with two friends from the neighborhood for a few downhill races (she's on the right.)  you often hear statistics of serious injuries sustained from sledding ... after this incident, i have to wonder what percentage of the victims are actually the parents, who are standing still, just trying to get a video

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