Monday, August 11, 2008

coincidence? i think not.

the first evening we spent unpacking at our new house, chris pulled down the stairs to the attic to poke his head around and see how much storage space was up there. it was empty, save for two things: a few square feet of bubble wrap discarded in the corner, and an old photograph lying on the dusty floor near the door. he picked it up, intending to toss it in the trash, and then looked at it. it was a picture of susanna's godfather, bill, from the early 1990s. i have no idea where it was taken or, more significantly, why it was there. i called him immediately, and he was as confused as i was. either we can go down the road of being totally freaked out by this, or we can take it as a sign that this is definitely the house we're meant to be in. i think i'll go with the latter.

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