Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a study in contrasts

just a few contrasts between the last presidential election and this current one, at least on the super small scale of sara mann ... 2004: i voted in the final hours on election day 2008: i voted eight days early 2004: my voting companion was a sleeping 2 1/2-month old son 2008: my voting companion was a very-much-awake 2 1/2-year old daughter 2004: i voted in the united order of masons building, which had absolutely nothing interesting to look at while i waited 2008: hooray! voting in the local mall! what could be better? 2004: chris and i cancelled each other out (as we have also done in 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2006) 2008: chris and i agree! will wonders never cease? it only took chris and me twelve years to find some common political ground. maybe there's hope for some congressional bi-partisanship yet.


Anonymous said...

adam and i argued over who gets to take alexandra to vote on november 4th....seems like we need another kid so we can each have one! cute photo :)

Anonymous said...

so, after checking with bill to get a sense on both of your political affiliations, it sounds like you may have voted for barack... what made you move to the other side this election? or is that too much for a blog? :)