Wednesday, November 19, 2008

it doesn't take much

we saw snow three times yesterday. three times! in november! in raleigh! it seemed to follow us wherever we went, first causing quite a stir in the parking lot as we left gymnastics; then again as we waited for our flu shots (thank you, God, for the distraction); and once more as we pulled into our driveway. each time, there was a whirlwind of flurries for about 45 seconds or so, before it died down completely. still, it was more than enough to get the kids pulsating with excitement. i took a picture to document this monumental event, since we just don't get much snow in north carolina in november. (to be honest, we just don't get much snow in north carolina, period. we lived in the mountains for five years and liam has yet to make a real snowman.) i grabbed the camera as quickly as i could, but we only managed to get to the edge of the deck (hence the scenic background of our half-covered grill) before it was gone. the picture doesn't do our blizzard justice -- but the looks on the kids' faces says it all.

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