Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the year in review

with the end of each year comes lists in every magazine, newspaper, and website: the Hits and Misses, or Cheers and Jeers, or Bests and Worsts of ... whatever. politics. fashion. music. movies. tabloid headlines. i think they're ways of recapping the past twelve months in a format that appeals to the masses -- short, quick, and to the point. seeing all of these lists inspired to write one of my own. here's a summary of 2008 for the mann family, in the form of our five lows and five highs of the year that is about to come to a close.

#1 low: selling our house in asheville. the offer that was reneged for no reason. the inspector who has since admitted his report was wrong. the two months the house wasn't even on the market while all of it was kind of sorted out. the insultingly low offer that we eventually accepted. (which, now that the market has tanked even further, doesn't look quite so insulting. small comfort.)

#2 low: living in a third floor corporate apartment during the month of january, one of the coldest months in recent memory. there's nothing quite like herding two kids stuffed into winter coats down two flights of external stairs in 12 degree weather, only to find your car doors are frozen shut.

#3 low: repairs, repairs, repairs in our new house. two major leaks in the kitchen ceiling that have left temporary gaping holes right above our breakfast table. standing water in our basement that necessitated the installation of a sump pump. overhead lighting wired in our dining room where none had existed. these are not fun ways to spend money.

#4 low: massive layoffs at chris's employer. he, thankfully, was spared, but he watched as colleagues were escorted to their desk by security right after being informed that they had been let go. did i mention this happened the week before christmas?

#5 low: the trials and losses of dear friends: brain tumors, bone cancer, natal heart defects, pancreatic cancer, suicide, serious car accidents. if it weren't for God and faith, i don't know anyone can make it through.

but now, for our highs, in no particular order ...

#1 high: our move to raleigh. this is, undoubtedly, where we want to be, and where we want to raise our children. the city is great, the schools are wonderful, our church is amazing, having my parents a short drive away is so helpful, lifelong friends nearby is incredible ... i'm running out of positive adjectives.

#2 high: susanna, potty-trained right after her second birthday. enough said.

#3 high: liam reading a new book, cover-to-cover, for the first time. such an proud accomplishment for a young three year old, and one of the most exciting moments thus far as a parent. and it's kind of crazy he can now easily read the newspaper.

#4 high: our new house. despite the aforementioned repairs, it's still a great house. we love being at the end of a cul-de-sac, and especially enjoy the big covered back deck and huge private back yard. and the location can't be beat.

#5 high: we have love. we have health. we have supportive family and friends. we have food on the table and are able to help those less fortunate. and above it all, we have God. unfortunately, there will always be lows ... but you can't fully appreciate the highs without them. and if we focus on our faith, focus on our blessings, and focus on the people around us whom we love and who love us, then despite the grim forecast on a national and global level, 2009 is still looking to be pretty darn awesome.

happy new year from all of us!
xoxo ~ chris, sara, liam, susanna, and super

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