Thursday, January 29, 2009

rub a dub dub

almost every night, for the period of time between dinner and stories, liam and susanna can be found in the tub. what used to last five minutes can now, quite literally, last an hour. chris has taken on the role of bath giver, while i, selfishly, usually stay downstairs, under the ruse of cleaning up the kitchen (but actually, watching e! news and checking e-mail.) not only does it allow me a small break, but it gives chris some time to catch up with the kids after he's been gone from them all day. tonight, however, bath duty fell to me. the splashing began, laughter ensued, and i was instantly transported back to the days when bathing wasn't just a necessity in order to wake up in the morning, but instead a fun-filled way to end the day. and it reminded me that the kitchen dishes (and e-mail and television) could -- and should -- wait. this is the kind of photo that i want to keep. this is what's so indicative of our lives right now. i'm glad we have pictures of the kids frolicking in the snow, or sitting on santa's lap, or opening birthday gifts. but this is a day-in, day-out snapshot of our world with our children. the simple joy, the pure pleasure, the magic ... of taking a bath.


Anonymous said...

Could they be any happier!? What a great reminder for the day...

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara--

Not sure if you remember me from UR, but just wanted to let you know that I love your blog (found it via facebook)! Your kids are gorgeous and you are one funny, witty glad that life is good to you!

Take care--
Beth (Dorsey) Sanville

SpiderSFB said...

That picture is too cute! The goggles are the perfect finishing touch :)