Sunday, February 22, 2009

live and learn

let's just say, hypothetically speaking, that you have a four year old son who complained all day yesterday of a stomachache. let's say that after not eating lunch because of his tummy hurting, he turned to you right before dinner and threw up his ginger ale and pepto-bismol tablet all over the kitchen floor. after giving him a bath, he went to bed at 6:30 pm, and slept around the clock. and let's say that you wake up this morning to hear him begging you for breakfast. your wits aren't quite about you, so you go downstairs to make him some oatmeal and blueberry yogurt, since you figure that he must be ravenous. you and your illogical half-asleep brain decide that whatever he had is now out of his system and that he's miraculously already back to normal. and let's just say that immediately after eating his breakfast, he crawls into bed with his daddy for comfort ... and then sits up to vomit his entire breakfast into your bed. if this were to all happen (hypothetically of course), i'd suggest you reconsider the yogurt flavor. instead of giving him blueberry, you might want to opt for vanilla, or maybe banana. or really, anything that wouldn't leave your mattress a permanent stain of purple. i'm just sayin'.

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