Sunday, June 28, 2009
a toast

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
full of hot air
well, mr. know-it-all movie reviewer man, let me just tell you what this momma thinks. i'd hazard a guess that the PG rating might just come from the pack of wild dogs that are an integral part of the story. the fang-bearing ones who ferociously bark for almost two hours while on their mission to capture a certain bird and kill it. the ones that turned my sensitive child into a trembling mess, burrowing his head into my shoulder a half-hour into the movie. the ones that ultimately resulted in him hightailing it to the nearest aisle as fast as his two legs could carry him while flinging an "i'm outta here, mommy!" behind him.
you might argue that it's the dogs i had trouble with. but really, it's those dadgum balloons, because had disney not marketed the movie with those balloons in every poster and trailer and commercial, i doubt i would have shelled out $15 at a matinee to suffer through it. and those aren't the only balloons that have wreaked recent havoc in our lives.
11 p.m. last night found chris and me precariously perched on our bed, armed with a flashlight, tweezers, scissors, and even a knife, trying to untangle a string from the motor of our ceiling fan. a string that had once been attached to -- you guessed it -- a balloon that susanna had brought home from the grocery, which had somehow made its way up the stairs, into our bedroom, and then gotten sucked into the blades. by the time we realized what had happened, the balloon was history, but the ribbon was so tightly wound around the inaccessible part of the fan that we had no choice but to dismantle the entire thing to remove it. 45 minutes later, chris drilled the last screw back into place and collapsed into a fatigued heap.
but not before he said, "NO MORE BALLOONS." you don't have to ask me twice.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
smooth moves

Thursday, June 18, 2009
does GOOD luck come in threes?
Monday, June 15, 2009
the big ten
Friday, June 12, 2009
guest contributor
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
be careful what you wish for
he's been receiving speech therapy services for well over three years now, classified with the oh-so-technical term of General Speech Delay since he was eighteen months old. i could write a book on the journey we've been on, which started with a slight concern on my part, then a wait-and-see approach by our pediatrician, then hearing tests (which he passed), then screenings, then evaluations, then diagnosis, then treatment. the treatment has involved, in my estimation, about 350 sessions with individual therapists. we are extremely fortunate to live in a state where such therapy is provided to preschoolers by highly skilled, caring providers, all free of charge, which is especially helpful since our insurance doesn't cover private speech therapy for a General Speech Delay.
i've learned many things through this journey with liam, including methods of conversing with a non-speaking toddler, tips to elicit multi-word responses, and ways to encourage communication between him and his peers. but something else i learned through this journey is that many adults don't have a clue as to what to say when the topic of a child's delay comes up in conversation. many tried to reassure me: "but you can tell he's smart!", as if i doubted his intelligence. (the boy was reading at a third grade level at the age of three and is doing double-digit multiplication in his head. i have no doubt that our son is smart.) or, "i'm sure he'll catch up, in his own time. i wouldn't worry about it." (which inferred that i was over-reacting to this diagnosed delay and that he really didn't need any help.) but the one that bothered me the most was when other parents would breezily remark, "be careful what you wish for!", rolling their eyes while their own child rattled off a soliloquy. "i sometimes wish she'd hush for just five minutes!" i would nod, knowing they meant well ... but inwardly marvel at how unintentionally insensitive people could be. there i was, obviously worried about my son, anxious about his development, consulting with professionals ... and they're telling me that they wished their child DIDN'T talk?! when i took a step back, i knew that these were all well-meaning friends who were simply at a loss for what to say. still, it didn't make hearing those comments any easier. but, thankfully, those days are only a distant memory now. liam has truly thrived this past school year, making unbelievable progress in such a short amount of time. his evaluation last month determined that he is at age-level in his language development, with no more concerns or delays whatsoever. praise God! no time was this more evident than last night, during our short drive to the t-ball team party following his final game. for the entire ten minute ride, liam sat in the back seat and did. not. shut. up. he replayed every inning out loud, even though we had just sat in the rain and witnessed it all ourselves. he mused over the pizza toppings he wanted at the restaurant. he recounted everything he had done at summer camp that day. he discussed the rest of the weekend's plans. he talked about what his next big purchase might be with his allowance savings. he began to plan his birthday party in august. and on, and on, and on. i honestly don't think any of us got a word in edgewise. for a split second as he caught his breath before launching into another monologue, chris grinned at me. and then he said it: "be careful what you wish for." but this time, knowing that it was coming from my husband, who's been through it all with me, i simply glanced in the rearview mirror at our happy, healthy, intelligent, amazing little boy ... and grinned back.