Wednesday, July 2, 2008

crocs rock

for the record, i think crocs are about the ugliest looking things adults can have on their feet. (my bunions run a close second. i really want to have the surgery to remove them, but seriously, how does a stay-at-home mom of preschoolers survive on crutches? but i digress.) i keep waiting for the crocs trend to die out ... alas, there are a whole bunch of people who obviously value comfort over taste. crocs are here to stay. after years of resistance, i caved in and bought a pair for both liam and susanna. i will swallow my pride and admit that kids' crocs have truly improved the quality of our family life. they actually fit liam (he's requires an extra-extra-wide shoe!), they don't show wear, and they're perfect for summer when my kids' sweaty and sandy feet need some ventilation. so today, i sing the praises of kids' crocs, to the tune of "the itsy bitsy spider". the itsy bitsy croc shoes on kids are oh so great! they can put them on themselves so we don't run quite so late. they don't require socks, and wash out down the drain and you can buy those cute jibbitz, so they don't look so plain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Taking blogging to a new level with songs! I have to agree with you, though. I too fought them for awhile based on looks but they are so darn easy!