Sunday, July 20, 2008

sesame street perfection

chris and i have widely divergent musical tastes. chris's collection of cd's and digital musical files, by his estimation, numbers in the tens of thousands -- mostly by artists that mainstream radio has never even heard of. meanwhile, my mp3 player has "mmmm bop" by hanson permanently on repeat. (chris claims to get physically ill if i mention that fact to him. but that song is just soooo good.) anyway, chris was a fan of feist way before her song "1 2 3 4" starred in the ipod commercials and started dominating the airwaves. and -- rare thing here -- i actually like her too. so, here's a fun little equation: feist [artist we both like] + sesame street [our favorite children's show] + a song about numbers = PERFECTION. enjoy! i dare you to watch it without a smile on your face.

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