Wednesday, July 16, 2008

number crunchin'

i am a math teacher by trade, so i've always been fond of numbers. can't say i'm a big fan of THESE numbers, however. 9 months: the length of time our asheville house was on the market 4 days: the length of time our new house in raleigh was on the market $131: the price per square foot of the house we sold in asheville $271: the price per square foot of the house we're buying in raleigh 874: the number of square feet we're losing in this move 87: percentage of original asking price that we ultimately accepted in asheville 99.7: percentage of asking price we agreed to pay in raleigh 0: the number of times in my life that i will ever move again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Is the new house at least super cute?