Tuesday, July 1, 2008

boot camp

susanna is a proud graduate of the Mann Potty Training Boot Camp. you live and learn as a parent, and try not to screw up as much with your second child as you did your first. liam wasn't out of diapers until the ripe old age of 3 years and 3 months. looking back on it, it really was all my fault. i just didn't give it the focus it deserved. i'd introduce him to the concept, he'd balk, and i'd back off. i'd excitedly buy a new video for him to watch (cue the "everybody's going potty, potty" song ... or "elmo goes potty!" DVD ... or one of a myriad of others sitting on our shelf) and he'd indulge me, and then forget everything two minutes later as a puddle emerged on the carpet from his naked bottom. i'd sigh, put a new diaper on him, and resolve to give it another try in a month. (to be fair, i did have an infant at the time who was depleting me of any stamina. and i figured, what's another box of diapers in the cart at babies r us?) fast forward a half-year, and i decided that it was susanna's turn. i was determined that i was not going to be changing her diaper at 3 years and 3 months. not even at 2 years and 3 months. so, against the judgment of my mom and chris, both of whom swore that she wasn't quite ready, Boot Camp began. one afternoon after returning from the pool, i sat her chubby hiney down on the potty and told her she wasn't getting up until she, you know, did her thing. 3 hours and 15 minutes later, she did. (i have witnesses who can attest that that is no exaggeration.) who knew the child was that stubborn?! in a weird way, i was actually pleasantly surprised she stuck to her guns as long as she did -- tenacity is an admirable quality that will serve her well. but in this case, i'm happy to report that there was a battle of wills, and mommy emerged victorious. once she had figured out what you do on that contraption, she made it pretty easy from that point on. there were lots of M&Ms involved (the tried-and-true method -- no book or movie or song can top it) and a few accidents, much to the chagrin of my parents, whose house we've already trashed in many ways in the five months we've been living here. but for the most part, her new elmo and dora panties (see above picture) have remained dry. i have officially spent my last $29.46 on a box of pampers (and that's while they're on sale and with a $1.50 manufacturer's coupon.) just think how much more money we can now pour into a house here in raleigh! now if i could only stop buying the M&Ms ...

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