Wednesday, April 21, 2010

wordless wednesday

two weekends in a row, and two major sporting events.  this is what chris calls bliss.  this is what i call "can-i-get-a-draft-beer-while-i-talk-with-my-friends?" way to pass the time.  susanna's on my wavelength; while in a private deck at the durham bulls game, she was most interested in running around with her ring pop attached to her finger and dancing with her playmates.  liam, on the other hand, sat in his seat, his eyes glued to the field, peppering chris with questions that i had no idea how to answer.  i really need a crash course in how sports work, or the next ten or so years are going to be awfully confusing to me.
the kids had just had their faces painted prior to the UNC blue vs. white football game.   i stopped the artist before she put that signature black spot on the heel -- does any three year old girl, decked out in a frilly white dress and carolina blue sweater, really need black paint on her cheek?

meeting the Blue Monster at the durham bulls game.  there's also a bull mascot running around, so i'm not quite sure what the point of having a Blue Monster is, but the kids seemed pretty excited.  (note the vintage brooklyn dodgers baseball cap liam's wearing, straight from chris's childhood closet.)

1 comment:

ms doctor u said...

i so want liam's hat! awesome.