Friday, June 18, 2010

getting along swimmingly

every summer the kids take swim lessons. and every subsequent fall, winter, and spring, they apparently forget everything they'd learned. and then every may, on our first trip to the pool, i kick myself for not keeping up the swim lessons year-round, as i watch my tentative daughter refuse to put her face in the water, and my son flounder for a few seconds as he realizes that he is far more confident in his swimming ability than he has a right to be. 

so we spent every morning last week in private swim lessons with one of the lifeguards at our club. by the end of the last day, susanna had made some progress; she's still not a fan of putting her face in the water, but at least she's now jumping off the wall into our arms with a smile on her face.  but liam's progress was really remarkable.  he went from not being able to go from any point A to any point B without assistance, to being able to successfully navigate the deep end from one side to the other on his own. 

and navigate the deep end is all he wants to do these days.  off the diving board he goes ... surfaces ... doggie paddles like mad to the ladder ... and right back to the diving board again.  he's belly-flopped a time or two, but it doesn't seem to bother him in the least.

i'm contacting webster, because if he needs the perfect image to accompany the definition of "elation" in his dictionary, i can't imagine a better picture than the one above.  

and here are a few more:

liam's showboating style, aiming towards chris
swimming as fast as his non-efficient doggie paddle will take him, so he can do it all over again
and when the diving board line gets too long, there's always the slide

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