Wednesday, October 20, 2010

wordless wednesday

susanna's often a nut to crack.  with most new experiences, she's very reticent; she'll often to cling to my legs as she assesses the situation and figures out what she wants to do.  whereas liam will jump in full steam ahead, she tends to tread carefully.

ironically, it's the times when i wish she would take her time and evaulate what's going on that she decides to throw caution to the wind and showcase her daredevil side.  she likes to keep us guessing, i suppose.

so on sunday, when we attended a friend's fifth birthday party at a local horse farm, i didn't know which susanna we'd see.  i prepared myself for the possibility that she would refuse to go anywhere near the horse and instead just sit on the sidelines and eat a few cupcakes.  but, true to form, she surprised me.  she insisted on being in the first group of riders (the four horses had to cycle through a few times) and did not give me a second glance as she held onto the saddle and trotted off into the woods with her guide.

oh, and she wanted to make sure that i pointed out the most important part of the pictures below: her new pink cowgirl boots.

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