Tuesday, January 11, 2011

at a loss

unlike the rest of the east coast, here in raleigh we didn't get snow in the most recent storm.  which suits me fine; i just need one good snowfall per winter and am more than satisfied.  however, we were saddled with ice.  lots and lots of ice.  and i don't care how you look at it, there is absolutely nothing at all positive about ice. 

on a very somber note, my dear friend erin, who was one of my closest friends in asheville -- i'm talking about the very first person i ever met when we moved there, someone who was with me in book club, two supper clubs, junior league, bunko, and playgroup; who was my i'm-in-the-middle-of-a-crisis-please-come-help-me friend, baby shower thrower, farewell party hoster ... that kind of friend -- lost her mom because of this recent storm.  her mom, who had recently battled breast cancer and had emerged victorious, went out for a walk with her husband of 40+ years on monday.  she slipped on some ice, fell, and started to have vision problems.  hours later, she was declared braindead.

it's all i've been able to focus on these past few days.  how quickly your world can be turned upside down.  in one second.  doing one normal activity.  on one pretty average day in january.  i think about this, over and over again, as i read my Bible passages for the day.  we can never know what the future holds -- or how long that future here on earth may be.  please keep erin and her family, now in kingsport as they prepare for a saturday funeral, in your prayers.

i actually started out this post to share a video of liam and susanna sledding back when we actually had some snow (and not ice) on the ground.  but my thoughts led me elsewhere.  perhaps tomorrow.  until then, i sit and reflect.  and ponder.  and study.  and pray.

1 comment:

cherylw said...

Oh, wow, Sara. That's devastating. I can't imagine. Thinking of your friend's family and you... hugs!