Wednesday, January 5, 2011

wordless wednesday: scenes from the season

i'm totally missing christmas already, so what better way to reminisce than to finally get around to transferring over some pictures from my iPhone?
susanna became the master baker this december. these are reindeer cookies we made for her class, with chocolate chip eyes, M&M noses, and pretzel antlers

chris and i always had a real christmas tree until our first holiday with a puppy, when spider almost knocked the thing over in her quest to drink the water from the tree stand. so in 2001 we invested in kmart's very own "the perfect christmas tree".  we got a good decade's worth out of our $75 purchase, but after battling lights that didn't work and branches that were hanging by a thread, we decided that our Perfect Christmas Tree wasn't so perfect any longer.  off to the dump it went.  will we be back to the authentic thing next year? time will tell ...

 enjoying disney on ice

you would not have believed the spread at liam's elementary school for their gingerbread house activity.  every table in the cafeteria was filled with goodies to construct these houses palatial residences

 susanna's house was certainly on a smaller scale -- just the two of us on a cold afternoon in the kitchen -- but no less fun
susanna at the nutcracker (doesn't the dancer look thrilled?)

the snow started late on christmas night (the first white christmas chris and i had ever seen!) and left us a good eight inches the next morning to make the perfect snowman

and a mere five days later, we were at the beach in 70 degree weather and having a marvelous time

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