Wednesday, February 2, 2011

wordless wednesday

aside from a trip to the orthopedist on monday and back again on tuesday for an MRI, i don't think i've left the house in four days.  as if i have time for this nonsense.  tomorrow i have no choice but to wake up with a miraculous new back since i have a tea party with susanna and her american girl doll at our neighbors' house, my follow-up MRI appointment, and a two-hour pre-algebra workshop.  wish me luck.  i'm thinking that my percocet tablets might be coming in handy.

in the meantime, i've been meaning to share pictures of the kids' portraits ever since they arrived a few weeks ago.  there must be a better way to photograph oil paintings because these photos in no way do them justice -- the flash makes them blurry or less vibrant or something.  trust me, they're just perfect.  a friend once told me that if her house were burning to the ground and she could go back inside to grab one object, it would be her child's portrait.  i couldn't agree more.  these will be with me until the day i die.

which might be soon if my back has a say-so in the matter.

anyway ... enough of a pity-party for me.  especially when i have these sweet things to make me smile!


cherylw said...

what a fantastic idea! you'll have to share who did these. they are precious!

Leslie said...

Gorgeous!! I love Liam's expression. And I swear you can see daddy in Susanna's face.

ashley segrave said...

so perfect! these sara...hope your back feels better soon