Wednesday, May 30, 2012

wordless wednesday

i received an ipad for my birthday back in december, and while i really like it, i can't say i'm as coocoo-for-cocoa-puffs about it as many of my friends.  "it will change your life!" several gushed to me.  "you won't know how you ever survived without it!" others said.  it is awesome -- don't get me wrong -- but i've been known to go a few days without picking up the thing. 

well, until i installed the "draw something" app.  now that i have that game, there's no way the kids would ever let the ipad go untouched for more than 24 hours.  it's a drawing game (sort of like pictionary) that they play exclusively with their aunt leslie out in california.  they alternate guessing and drawing, and always know whose turn it is.  we've settled into a routine where we play a round (which normally takes about a minute) right before we leave for school in the morning, and then again after we get home from the bus in the afternoon.

so i hereby present to you two examples of drawings that our children have created for leslie's guessing.  one of them i happened to save because i was so impressed.  the other leslie happened to save because she was so bewildered.  one of them was drawn by susanna, and the other by liam.  i'll leave it to you to figure out which one belongs to which artist.

 what's that?  you're wondering what the answer is for the second one that liam artist unknown drew?

HOT SAUCE.  of course.

1 comment:

Aunt Leslie said...

Liam's drawings are more like playing JUMBLE than playing Pictionary. Susanna's are extraordinary! I love playing these games.