Monday, July 16, 2012

what a difference a vowel makes

at 8:55 a.m. on a monday morning way back in march, i logged onto my computer and readied myself for battle.  online registration for the highly popular local program called "science in the summer" began at 9:00, and i'd been warned that by 9:02, all the slots were usually full.  it sounded like something totally up liam's alley -- and did i mention it's totally free, as it's sponsored by glaxo? -- so i was going to do whatever i could to get him in.  thankfully, he made it.

the theme for this year's program is "simple machines", and when i picked him up today, he handed me a notecard on which he'd written a short synopsis of his morning:

"Dear Mommy and Daddy," i read. "We learned about lovers."

then i turned over the card and, at first glance, was surprised to find the following:

now, i try not to have my mind in the gutter, but am i the only one seeing what i'm seeing?   it seemed that we were getting a lot more than we bargained for with this free week-long camp.  

i just had to giggle.  upon further scrutiny, obviously i realized that there was an "e" and not an "o" ... meaning, that the campers had not learned about lovers, but about LEVERS.  and when i took a moment to really look at his picture, this is the drawing in its entirety:

aah, yes.  there's a fulcrum in that drawing.  and even the word "effort".  if only i'd exerted more of that when looking at the thing in the first place.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Super funny!!