Friday, October 25, 2013

91 degrees

nothing says pumpkin patch weather like a saturday afternoon with a high of 91 degrees.

yet, we went, since a few months ago we'd committed to the outing that SAS had arranged for its employees and families.  who in their right mind would have ever anticipated an october day that was hotter than most of the summer was?  (apparently not the pumpkin patch owners, who had quite an elaborate hot cider tent set up that wasn't doing much business.)

truth be told, chris and i were sort of dreading it.  we had just sat through an hour-long soccer game in the blazing sun with sweat running down our backs, and the idea of eating a picnic lunch on some dirty wooden table way out in durham before traipsing through a wilted corn maze was understandably not high up on our bucket list.  but that's when our children will snap us out of our funk -- just when we've convinced ourselves that something is going to be terrible, they get those smiles on their faces and those sparkles in their eyes and you realize how blessed you are to have kids at this age where such outings are cool and exciting.

well, maybe not cool.  did i mention it was 91 degrees?
stopping for a breather in the middle of a hot and dusty corn maze
just kidding around (pun intended)
the kids beelined it to the "exotic and weird" pumpkin area -- hence our dark green (almost black) and bumpy one

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