Sunday, November 3, 2013

she's a poet, and she knows it

i heaved susanna's Wednesday Folder out of her backpack, bracing myself for its contents.  i'm not exagerrating when i say that it can often take upwards of a half-hour to go through all the papers that are crammed in that thing.  not only are there important school communication items (fundraiser information, the weekly newsletter, scholastic book order forms, etc.) but also included are every paper she's written on in the last five school days.  and while most of it requires only a passing glance before heading straight into the recycling bin, there are always a few that i enjoy spending time going over, with her nestled next to me on the couch, pointing out every aspect of the assignment and answering my plethora of questions.  "how did you come up with such an interesting topic?" "did you figure out how to solve the problem all on your own?" "who was your partner on this one?"  and so on.

and every so often, on an exceptional wednesday, my eyes will land on something that i instantly know i want to keep in the "susanna - school" folder in my filing cabinet.  below is one such piece.  her only instruction was to write a cinquain poem.  it could have been about anyone, or anything.  she chose to write it about -- well, i'll let you take a look.
[i'm always worried that images won't show up clearly, so here's what it says just in case you can't read it:  Brother ~ Handsome, Strong ~ Playing, Reading, Eating ~ I love him lots ~ Liam]

i mean, really?  do all seven year-olds adore their older siblings in this way? no matter how much chris and i might be screwing up this parenting gig in every other area, at least in this regard, we've done something right.

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