Wednesday, May 4, 2016

the force wasn't with me

i was so proud of myself.  this morning i woke up and just knew: it was Star Wars day.  (and, just as importantly, i also knew that the title includes the word "wars" and not "trek".)

so, eager to impress my brood who have all actually seen the movies and count themselves as fans, i bounded into the kitchen this morning with an extra pep in my step.

"ba DUM, ba DUM, ba DUM da da DUM DUM ..." i belted out, my arms stretched out in victory, confident that i knew every note of the famous tune.  "DUM DUM DUM da da DUMMMMMMM!"


"don't you know what day it is?" i gloated.  "it's Star Wars day!  i remembered!  may the fourth be with you!"

chris put a few more chunks of banana into the protein smoothie he was making and sighed.  right before twisting the blender into start mode, he looked up at me, shaking his head.

"then why in the world are you singing the theme song to Dallas?"

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