Saturday, October 17, 2009

dancing king

saturday of our mountain weekend getaway involved a quaint town festival, complete with a pet pig named petunia who kind of roamed the premises on her own, a surprisingly elaborate puppet show, and a live bluegrass band. despite the constant drizzle, it was an awesome way to spend an afternoon. our fellow attendees got an extra treat -- perhaps even better than the funnel cakes -- courtesy of liam. the second the band started up, he beelined it to the stage and proceeded to show us moves we had no idea he had (or, for that matter, where they even came from.) the audience, probably averaging an age of 75 and huddled under umbrellas in their canvas travel chairs, watched in amusement as my son boogied in front of them for close to an hour. occasionally, susanna would give her famous twirl in her favorite yellow raincoat, but the main act was all liam. this is one of those videos that i know i will watch in the future, time and time again, to remind me of who liam was at the tender age of five. no self-consciousness. no inhibitions. just a zest for life that he wears on his sleeve. or, should i say, on his dancing shoes.


ms doctor u said...

LOVE it. riverdance, watch out!

cheryl said...

that's AWESOME!! Glad you got to capture it on video!