Wednesday, October 7, 2009

wordless wednesday

susanna climbed into the car today from preschool bearing two gifts, one for me and one for chris. in one hand was the dandelion i've come to expect, limp from her warm palm. and in her other hand, clutched tightly for her daddy, was a surprise. she waited until we arrived home to uncurl her fingers and reveal the treasure enclosed. a four-leaf clover, you ask? or a special art project made at school? oh no. nothing but the best for her daddy: a dirty rock.

1 comment:

ms doctor u said...

she's so adorable and looks just like you! it's crazy to watch her grow up on your blog...i feel that when i started reading you she looked so baby-like and mooshy, and now she's long and lean and a girl...all in a year?! crazy...:)