Wednesday, October 21, 2009

wordless wednesday

aaah, the north carolina state fair. i would've loved to just park myself on a bench and people watch all day long ... alas, there were too many rides to ride, too many games to play, and too many cholesterol-laden foods to eat. we all had a blast for our first-ever family fair visit, but i understand why it only occurs once a year. it's going to take us a full 365 days to recover. perhaps by then i will have finally digested those deep-fried oreos that i inhaled, leaving me room for the delicacy featured in the final photo below.
the rides! the kids were fearless on the roller coaster. we all enjoyed the swings, although we were smart to wait until afterwards to eat.
the food! turkey legs, ice cream, corn dogs. vitamins and nutrients are so overrated.
and the perfect combination of sweet & savory ... it's things like this that make me proud to be a southerner.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

When I saw "Pig Lickers" my first thought was: "Pig tongues dipped in chocolate? Yuck!" Then I realized it's bacon dipped in chocolate and called a pig licker. How I miss the fair!