Saturday, March 13, 2010


one of our children is a morning person.  the other is not.  here's a glimpse into the screenplay of our lives to help you figure out who's who.


it's 7:30 on a friday morning in the mann house.  liam and chris have finished their breakfast, while sara is just waking up and susanna is still asleep.  chris is brushing his teeth in preparation for leaving for work.  liam has his plastic putter in hand, quietly practicing golf in the upstairs hallway. 

the door to susanna's room opens.  susanna emerges, eyes adjusting to the light and her hands on her hips.

SUSANNA:  liam, what are you DOING?

LIAM (stopping mid-swing):  good morning susanna!  i'm practicing golf.

SUSANNA:  well, you need to go downstairs to practice golf.  your ball keeps hitting my door and it woke me up. it is too early for me to be up.  i'm going back to bed.

susanna sighs dramatically, returns to her room, and shuts the door.


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