Wednesday, March 17, 2010

wordless wednesday

in honor of st. patrick's day, liam's class held an "Eating of the Greens" party.  the kids came up with a list of green foods they like to eat, and parents were asked to bring in a few for the big event.  on the list were the usual suspects: grapes, kiwi, green doughnuts, avocados.  but also included were some surprises: edamame, brussel sprouts, celery, and snow peas.  (seriously.  some kid in liam's class actually requested brussel sprouts.)

liam's teacher instructed all the children to use the four sections of their paper plates to make a four-leaf clover.  on three of the leaves, they could choose any food they wanted; but on the fourth, they were to choose something they had never eaten before, or, at least, something they didn't normally eat.  i was super excited about the prospect of liam venturing forth and trying a new veggie.  peer pressure at its best!

i was on the other side of the classroom helping a child with a spill when liam loaded his plate, so i didn't know what new food he had chosen until he was asked to share it with the class.  liam proudly announced that he had chosen the rainbow jello.  ("my mommy never makes rainbow jello!" he explained.)

here's to culinary adventurousness!

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