up until now, i've been fortunate to be able to do halloween
my way. i've always decided what the kids were going to be, and that's just how it's worked. no extra input by any participating party needed, thank you very much. for susanna's first halloween, they were a bumblebee and a spider. last year, they were a cow and cowboy. i was busy dreaming up another dynamic duo when reality reared its ugly head: liam now actually has an opinion. out of the blue last week -- we hadn't been discussing the topic at all -- he informed me, "i want to be a pirate for halloween!"
a pirate? i thought. well, hmm. i suppose i could live with that. over my dead body will he ever be a vampire or football player or any other such nasty thing ... but a pirate could actually be cute. so i agreed.
now, i consider myself a fairly crafty person, but after sewing my own dress for a wedding a few years ago when one long sleeve was a little more gathered than the other and i wound up with my right arm bent at a weird angle all evening long, i swore i'd never again make another piece of clothing.
n-e-v-e-r. so, i started looking online to buy a cute ready-made pirate costume, perusing all sorts of websites. but for whatever reason, i couldn't find anything i liked.
and then, as i walked into the local warehouse club last week to pick up get another 5-pound block of cheese that my children will devour in three days, i saw, front and center, the most adorable halloween pirate costume. it was practically calling my name. and it was for a boy. and it was in liam's size. and it was cheap. i just couldn't pass it up. is it great quality? heck no. was it available and easy and what liam wanted? yes.
he immediately tried it on as soon as he found it hanging in his closet, and fell in love. he greeted chris at the door that evening with a "shiver me timber!" and muttered a few "arrrrrgh"s during dinner (although that probably had as much to do with his new alter ego as it did the veggies that were on his plate.) we had to convince him to take it off to go to sleep that night.
as we were driving to school the next morning, i told him that his teacher would probably love to know what he's going to be for halloween. in the rearview mirror, i could see his face light up. "oh, yes, mommy!," he exclaimed, beaming.
"i can't wait to be a racecar driver!"
1 comment:
since posting, i have learned that today, september 19, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. if you think i'm joking, check it out: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/faq.html
what are the odds???
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