Tuesday, September 16, 2008


after their bath last night, i was putting laundry away for a few minutes before i realized that i hadn't heard a peep out of the kids. silence is often not a good thing with preschoolers, so with a bit of trepidation i tracked them down in liam's room. what i saw from the doorway made me melt. there was susanna, lying in liam's bed next to him, gazing adoringly at her big brother as he read her a story. i immediately grabbed the camera. as someone with two pesty and annoying younger siblings (well, they were pesty and annoying while we were growing up ... they've actually turned out to be quite cool in adulthood), i know that this time of mutual affection will be short-lived. pretty soon they're going to be screaming at each other about the remote and fighting over the imaginary line in the middle of the backseat. so, i really wanted to document this sugary-sweet moment, as proof that at one time in their lives, they truly did love each other. the footage i got conjures up that billy joel song "leave a tender moment alone". funny? yes. tender? well ... you decide.

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