Wednesday, September 10, 2008

hip to be square

liam, has i have posted before, has a knack for numbers. he recently discovered the scale in our bathroom and loves to stand on it and announce his weight. he likes to do this several times a day, and seems to be disappointed when the number stays the same. a few days ago, i saw him loading his pockets down with matchbox cars, trying to get that needle to go farther up the dial. (needless to say, a few extra ounces of cheap metal did not achieve his goal.) as we were walking into his preschool classroom this morning, he noticed a height chart on the wall next to the door and asked me to measure him. he proudly squared his shoulders and waited patiently for me to read out the number. when i did, any previous disappointment in his personal stats melted away. he excitedly exclaimed, "FORTY inches? just like FORTY pounds! mommy, that means ... ... i'm a square!"

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Hi Sara,

I've been thoroughly enjoying your blog, ever since I discovered the link on your FB page....

I have to say, your son Liam is scary smart!!!! Are you prepared to ship him off to college at the age of 12 after he blows through K-12 at warp speed? :)
