Sunday, September 14, 2008

lipstick on a ... girl

there are innumerable things that amaze me about children -- all children, not just my own -- and two such things relate to susanna's most recent exploits. first, it amazes me how much mischief kids can get into in a matter of seconds. before i was a parent, i'd see those pictures that float around from time to time on mass e-mails -- you know the ones, like the boy who drew all over his little brother's face with magic marker, or the girl who dove headfirst into a cake in the fridge -- and shake my head at the detached parenting that was obviously to blame. of course, now that i'm a parent myself, i've wised up, and know firsthand how quickly things can spiral out of control. in the blink of an eye, disaster can occur from which your walls, or upholstery, or floors will never recover. and second, it always amazes me how much kids soak in by silent observation. susanna is infatuated with all things cosmetic, and just by watching me when i wasn't even aware of it, knows just what each product or device does. a few days ago she got a hold of my eyelash curler and immediately placed it ever so gingerly over her closed eyes. yesterday she grabbed an emery board and started "filing" her nails. and lipstick ... well, don't get me started on lipstick. she requests some every morning after she brushes her teeth, since she cannot possibly approach a new day without applying a fresh coat. i was so clever, i thought, in convincing her that clear lip gloss was the same thing. evidently, she wised up.

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